Ma 25, 2009








Personal data


Date and place of birth: March 8th, 1944, Budapest, Hungary

Citizenship: Hungarian

Phone: +36 (30) 450 6469




           An interview to Inforádió (excerpt, in Hungarian)



Jobs, achievements


2000-2004 Scientific Advisor, Head of Research CID Direkt Marketing Ltd

-         Managed and reported market and marketing research for AVON, Borsodi, ÁÉ Bank, Cerbona, ELO, Erste Bank, Fundamenta, GfK Hungária, Grafimat, Greenpeace, ING Bank, K&H Bank, Kraft Jacobs, Masters sport, MKB, Pető Intézet, Pick, Schiesser, SOS, UNICEF, Unilever , Well

-         Conceptualized, designed, and managed the development of  ZSINOR, a geomarketing database, and the geomarketing software GEOMARK


1999-2000 Project Manager, Corvinus University, Budapest

-         prepared and submitted the project ESIA in the IV. Framework Program of the EU


2000 Research fellow, Budapest Technical and Economic University

-         elaborated curricula for two courses in Information Statistics


1997-1999 List Manager, Bertelsmann Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest

-         developed various multivariable valuation modules to maximize expected profit and minimize risk of regular and non-standard marketing actions

-         introduced multivariable statistical methods to select target groups and selected target groups with significantly higher than the average response rate

-         introduced statistical data mining for modeling consumers and market

-         managed and reported a poll among consumers

-         managed the company’s lists


1994-1997 Senior statistical councillor, Hungarian Statistical Office, Budapest

-         compiled and edited data sourcebooks on Hungarian information economy

-         elaborated the telecomm and computer services chapters of official statistical nomenclatures

-         co-ordinated Hungarian official telecommunication statistics

-         after liberalization of Hungarian telecomm market, designed the monthly, quarterly and yearly statistical surveys of the new competitive infocommunication services industry and government informatics

-         designed the statistical data editing and processing systems, managed their implementation, and supervised the processing of the survey data

-         compiled publications on postal services, fixed and mobile telephone, cable-, and SMATV, broadcasting, Internet service provider  industries, information economy and society

-         contributed to the official European information statistics


1993-1994 Visiting Fulbright Scholar, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley,United States

-         elaborated SNIA - a satellite account to SNA - to understand the phenomena and processes related to knowledge stocks and information flows of a nation: production, distribution, use, consumption, and accumulation of knowledge and information, which later has been developed into a world-wide account of information flows and stocks.

-          Provided an estimation for the main aggregates of SNIA for the United States


1990-1993 Deputy Head of Section, Hungarian Statistical Office, Budapest

-         compiled the main aggregates of the National Information Accounts of Hungary

-         elaborated the principles of development and operation of government information system

-         coordinated the compilation of the information policy guidelines of the Hungarian central government

-         in cooperation with John von Neumann Society, organized an international conference on „Information economy – information policy”


1979-1990 Senior Staff Member, Deputy Head of Section, Hungarian Statistical Office, Budapest

-         managed the elaboration of a long-range national economic and social forecast and a policy framework for the national development of the Hungarian information sector

-         initiated, managed the development, designed and managed the operations of Hungarian information statistics: HCSO has been the first statistical office to introduce regular official information statistics.

-         designed, and implemented the system of information statistics of HCSO and edited four data sources on Hungarian information economy

-         organized two international conferences on the economy of information

-         completed the comparative statistical analysis of Hungarian and Bulgarian information sectors

-         took part in the development of legal regulation for the Hungarian computer services industries

-         published several studies on information economy, statistics and policy


1968-1979 Scientist, senior scientist, Head of Group, Team Leader, Hungarian Geological Institute, Budapest

-         developed innovative computer applications

-         managed Hungarian Working Group of and took an active part in an UNESCO project


Consultancy (major contracts)


-         2005 Sectorbridge Ltd Segmented the target population by geodemographical  features using given names of the clients

-         2000, 2002 Hungarian Direct Marketing AssociationDesigned, managed and reported the survey of the Hungarian direct marketing industry

-         1999 CID Direkt Marketing Ltd – Designed, developed and tested a Territorial Information System for Income and Expenditures of Households (TEJ and TEVE)

-         1999 Office of the Prime Minister

-         1999 CID Direkt Marketing Ltd Completed the statistical analysis of the clientale of a branch office of CIB Bank

-         1997 for Hungarian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications  Prepared a recommendation for the Information Society Forum of the EU and CEE countries, to implement a standard system for information statistics in the CEE region

-         1997 for Cég-INFO Ltd-- completed a feasibility study on the introduction of two neural software products for direct marketing purposes

-         1996 for Cég-INFO Ltd -- completed the analysis of neural software packages available for automatic classification in direct marketing

-         1995 for MOKÉP and HTV-30determined the daily reach of local TV broadcasting stations

-         1989 for SZÜV  (Számítástechnikai és Ügyvitelszervező Vállalat)  – elaborated the outlines of an intelligent agent based information system

-         1970-1997 for various organizations -- Translated technical documentation




2001-2003 Guest speaker, High School of International Trade, Budapest

1985-1989 Teacher, examiner, State Language Examination Commission, Budapest

Served at more than 200 examinations

1978-1982 Lecturer, Data Processing, Technical University, Miskolc

educated engineers, published lecture notes on data processing


Memberships, professional activities


1990-- Hungarian Statistical  Society

1977-- John von Neumann Society (1993 Member of the Jubilee Board)

1970-1979 IAMG (1975-1979 Member of the Editorial Board)

1967-- Hungarian Geological Society (1970-1979 Member of the Board)




1985 “kandidátus” (=Ph.D.) Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

1975 “okleveles alkalmazott matematikus” (=M.Sc. Applied Mathematics) Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest

1967 “okleveles geológus” (=M.Sc. Geology) Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest




Balaton Bay swimming 2008, 2007, 2006, 2001, 2000, 1998




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